Plants from this land
Delivery projects 
3 records    

Delivery projects

 All the projects listed here deliver or distribute herbal medicines that are free at the point of access. Some work with other agencies, some exist within a rigorous clinical framework, and others are distributing herbal remedies in context of self help and solidarity 


Calais and Dunkirk

There have been camps in Calais since as far back as 1999 – historically it has been a place where migrants gather to wait for and plan passage to the UK. These camps, designated the name ’the jungle’ by residents,  have always been a places of despair and horror - as well as hope and resilience. 

In the summer of 2015 as numbers burgeoned, more people in the UK began to be aware of the humanitarian crisis on our doorstep.

October 2016 saw the huge, mismanaged , brutal clearance and...
Mobile Apothecary

The Mobile Apothecary is a growing network of volunteers spanning the areas of herbalism, horticulture and the arts. 
Since April 2019, we have been bringing people together to collectively learn about medicinal plants and create herbal medicine for distribution to fellow community members facing barriers to health, food, and shelter. 

The Mobile Apothecary supports communities in the locality with high-quality, homegrown and communally-made herbal remedies. 
We believe: 
  • Healthcare,...
Herbalists Without Borders Bristol

Herbalists Without Borders Bristol is a collaboration between volunteers who are passionate about plant medicine, including clinical herbalists, community herbalists, herb growers; and local support projects that work with asylum seekers and refugees.

 We are a local, independent, non-affiliated Bristol group.

For more information visit our website here. Or follow us on Facebook

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