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Glycyrrhiza glabra

Many people are familiar with Liquorice as a flavour and as a confectionary, but it is an important and powerful medicine. Soothing and calming to the gut and lungs, it is also an expectorant.  Supportive and restorative to the adrenal glands and immune system it is a helpful tonic when coping with stress and/or burnout. Gently stimulating to the liver and can ease constipation. 

It is a key herb in herbal traditions across the world.

Long term or excessive intake can cause water retention and high blood pressure. This effect is reversible on stopping. Some people are more susceptible than others but caution should be taken with history of high blood pressure and avoid taking if blood pressure is raised.

It is a key ingredient in a chest rub recipe . Chest rubs are a great way of getting phytochemical compounds directly into the blood stream where they will be circulated and excreted onto the lungs. 

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