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Artemisia vulgaris

Mugwort is often seen growing by roadsides and comes in to flower around midsummer. It is said to be  a pathfinding herb offering protection and direction on journeys as well as in dreams.

It has a particular affinity to the womb and menses and is used to promote menstrual flow when it is scanty. It is also an aromatic (warming) bitter and is used as digestive tonic to stimulate and tone the digestive tract.

There are many different types of Artemisa all over the world. Mugwort is the commonest wild native the UK. Other well known medicinal Artemisia’s include Wormwood (A. absinthium) a powerful anti-parasite herb and the main ingredient of Absinthe, and Sweet Anne (A. Annua) a weed like Chinese herb with much fame for it’s success in treating malaria. 

Artemisia is from Artemis: the Greek Goddess of the Hunt, the Wilderness, Nature, Animals, Virgins and Childbirth. 

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