Plants from this land
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Lavandula angustifolia

Lavender has a long, traditional use as a relaxing herb for the nervous system, and also as being a gentle, reliable anti-microbial suitable even for children. 

Can be taken internally as a tea, but with caution: it is strong tasting and is best drunk in small amounts as part of a blend. Like this it is a helpful, calming self help tool and can help promote restful sleep.

Studies over the last century have often focused on the volatile component of lavender: the essential oil. Lavender is one of the few essential oils that can be used safely applied directly on adult skin, without dilution. 

Lavender’s action on burns can feel miraculous, and it combines brilliantly with aloe gel for this purpose. Aloe gel mixed with lavender essential oil is a herbalist first aid essential.

For herbalists working in the  makeshift camps in Calais and Dunkirk, lavender essential oil is a go to for burns, infected bites and grazes. We also make an infused oil from the whole plant and this can be useful for itchy skin. 


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