Plants from this land
3 records    


Community herbal projects come in different shapes and sizes.

We have  listed these under the categories learning , spaces and delivery.

 A project may be none of these or all three.  

If you have a project you would like others to know about, please contact the website with details. 


There are many different ways to learn about herbal medicine. Many of the projects described under our section Community Spaces share learning resources and deliver courses and events. 

It is  quite likely that a herbalist near you will be offering walks and workshops. 

The list below is not exhaustive by any means but gives examples of projects that have been set up to offer accessible community learning in some particular context or other.


The projects below are places where people can visit and connect with plants from the land where they are.

Places to find friendship , comfort, community.  

Places to  grow, harvest , create medicines; or experience the healing power of plants.

Some are funded community projects, some small businesses, some are hubs of volunteer activism and solidarity. Many are a mixture of all  of this.  

Please get in touch if you would like to list your project here


 All the projects listed here deliver or distribute herbal medicines that are free at the point of access. Some work with other agencies, some exist within a rigorous clinical framework, and others are distributing herbal remedies in context of self help and solidarity 

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