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FairWild is an international best practice standard which encompasses both sustainable wild harvesting of medicinal and aromatic plants (seaweeds and fungi included) with equitable fair trade. Created through a multi stakeholder consultation process in response to a weakness in organic regulations for wild collected plants. 

Considered the gold standard of sustainability certifications, the FairWild Standard has 7 Principles and 24 Criteria addressing three themes: the ecological, socio-cultural, and business requirements for sustainable wild collection. Collaborating with harvesters, operators, producers and brands the standard aims to secure a sustainable future for wild harvested plants, habitats and people involved. Local and indigenous access and harvesting rights are also recognised and protected. 

47 commonly wild harvested species so far have obtained the standard with licensed participants operating worldwide on different parts of the collection, supply, distribution and marketing chain. For more information please follow the link below.

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