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Sambucus nigra

The Elder tree is shrouded in much myth, magic and folklore. It has been considered extremely bad luck to cut one down, or burn the wood. Indeed the whole tree is a medicine chest, although Herbalists at this time most commonly use the flowers and berries. 

The flowers appropriate to the sinuses, are anti inflammatory, anticatarryl and promote general sweating. They help with colds, flus, sinusitis, allergic rhinitis and hay fever etc.

The berries are high in bioflavonoids and anthrocynanins. They are more tonic and have anti-viral properties and extremely helpful with winter chills.

It is interesting how the seasonal harvest relates to the seasonal illnesses.

The leaves can be incorporated with other green wound herbs such as plantain, yarrow, comfrey in a ’”green ointment” for external use. 

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