Plants from this land
Community spaces 
4 records    

Community spaces

The projects below are places where people can visit and connect with plants from the land where they are.

Places to find friendship , comfort, community.  

Places to  grow, harvest , create medicines; or experience the healing power of plants.

Some are funded community projects, some small businesses, some are hubs of volunteer activism and solidarity. Many are a mixture of all  of this.  

Please get in touch if you would like to list your project here

Community Apothecary Walthamstow

Our mission is:

  •  To offer pathways to community members to access herbal healthcare learning & practice and togetherness in healthful outdoor spaces
  •  To train participants in land and ecosystem care, medicinal herb knowledge & cultivation and home remedy making.
  •  To share the model so it can be adapted to different localities and needs.

Our activity connects people in Waltham Forest around our gardens through a programme of seasonal gardening, learning and peer support. Neighbouring residents in...

Movement in Thyme

Movement in Thyme is a Not for Profit Social Enterprise based in Scotland. 

They host community learning apothecaries, community herbal gardens, herbal self care workshops, solidarity medicine making events, foraging walks, historical herbalists re-enactment workshops and yoga classes in Glasgow, Neilston and Stirling.
North Down Orchard Farm

North Down Orchard Farm is the main making hub for medicines being prepared for the Mobile Herbal Clinic delivery in Northern France. 

It is a beautiful organic farm in the heart of Hampshire, and home of Herbalist Louise Wall. 

Volunteer weekends happen on the third weekend of each month. 

Volunteering here is a wonderful opportunity to learn to make quality medicines at scale that will make a genuine difference to people sleeping rough in the makeshift camps in Calais and...

Phytology Medicinal Garden
The Phytology Medicinal Garden was established at Bethnal Green Nature Reserve in 2014. This urban physic garden provides free food and medicine for local and surrounding communities. Generally regarded as weeds, the plants we grow have been selected for their historic and ongoing use in phytotherapy*, traditional and conventional medicine. The garden has been sown with over thirty varieties of plants common to the streets of London and urban ecosystems across the country. 

Plants include:...

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