Plants from this land
Calais Simple Bruise Ointment Recipe 
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Calais Simple Bruise Ointment Recipe

This is a simple recipe for knocks, bangs and bruises, good for recent traumas and sprains in adults

Note this recipe contains 5% essential oils so is strong and  not suitable for  children.

If you are making this for general family use then 2% essential use is a better ratio; and this is a large solidarity mix quantity,  you may want to divide the ingredient amounts by 5 

To make 0.5 of a litre 



1.      Purchase or prepare your infused oil (see separate page, ‘Making an infused oil’).  If making your own infused oil, you might use castor, olive or almond oil. St John’s wort and daisies work ok using the fresh plant/sun infused method. Comfrey works better as a dried plant infusion via the Bain Marie method.

2.      Combine your oils in a metal or pyrex jug.

3.      Place jug in a sauce-pan of boiling water, ie, heat gently via the Bain marie method.

4.      Add beeswax and stir until fully dissolved.

5.      Remove from heat, wait for the mix to cool to 40 degrees centigrade, and then stir in essential oils. The cooling is important to prevent the essential oils from evaporating. If you don't have access to a thermometer then this moment tends to be later than you might think, just before it begins to solidify. 

6.      Pour into jars.

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